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Visiting faculty at Paurastya Vidyapitham, Vadavathoor (2004-2012). Visiting faculty at Benedictine Seminary, Kappadu. Resident Lecturer resident faculty at St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary and Paurastya Vidyapitham, Vadavathoor (2012 – ). Since January 2004 as visiting faculty at Bethania Theological Institute, Palai; since June 2012 as visiting faculty at Mar Thoma Vidyanikethan, Changancherry, Kerygma Institute of Theology, Kanjirappilly and Alphonsian Academy of Religious Sciences, Palai.
1. VECHOOR D., “Catholic Moral Theology from the Eastern and East Syriac Perspectives”, Christian Orient 27, 2006, 94-108.
2. VECHOOR D., “The Healing Imagery of the Sacrament of Reconciliation”, Indian Journal of Family Studies 8, 2010, 49-81.
3. VECHOOR D., “The Theology and Practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation: Learning from the Eastern, East Syriac and Thomas Christian Traditions” in Mar Thoma Margam: The Ecclesial Heritage of the St. Thomas Christians, ed. A. Mekkattukunnel, Vadavathoor, 2012, 660-680.
4. VECHOOR D. “The Faith Lived of the Syro Malabar Church: A Study on the Moral Vision, Moral Life and Moral Formation of the Syro -Malabar Church”, Christian Orient 34, 2013, 97-107.
5. VECHOOR D. “Deviant Teachings on Jesus Christ in the Emerging Sects and New Age Movements” (Malayalam) in Christudarsanam: Sadyathathakalum Samasyakalum, ed. S. Chalackal, Calicut, 2013, 211-226.
6. VECHOOR D., “Catholic Moral Theology in the Light of the Communion Ecclesiology of Vatican II: Promises and Challenges” in New Horizons in Christian Ethics: Reflections from India, ed. S. Kanniyakonil, Bangalore, 2014, 225-254.
7. VECHOOR D., “A Moral Theological Reading of the Acts of Thomas”, Christian Orient 35, 2014, 1-11.
8. VECHOOR D., “Family: Divine Design and Human Reality” (Malayalam) in Kudumbam Swargathileckulla Vazhikatti, ed. J. Pulleettu, Pala, 2014, 20-33.
9. VECHOOR D., “The Gift of Sexuality and Its Integration: A Theological Understanding” in The Pastoral Challenges of Marriage and Family: Responses from India, eds. Kanniyakonil, D. Vechoor & A. Cheranthuruthy, Vadavathoor, 2015, 115-138.
10. VECHOOR D., “Modern Patrons of Good Death: A Catholic Response to the Recent Notification of the Supreme Court of India on Euthanasia”, Asian Horizons 9, 2015, 125-138.
11. VECHOOR D., “Sacramental Marriages and Mixed Marriages” (Malayalam), Mathdarsanam, July 2015, 5-16.
12. VECHOOR D., “Divine Mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation” (Malayalam) in Karunayil Sambannanaya Deivam: Darsanangalum Susurushakalum, ed., A. Mekkattukunnel, Vadavathoor, 2015, 82-94.
13. VECHOOR D., “The Created World as Sacrament: Patristic Moral Thought and Laudato Si Converge” Christian Orient 36, 2015, 113-123.
14. VECHOOR D., “Divine Mercy and the Sacrament of Reconciliation” (Malayalam), Gothambumani, December 2015, 26-27.
15. VECHOOR D., “Crossing the Door of Mercy” (Malayalam), Deepanalam, 17 December 2015, 4.
16. VECHOOR D., “Moral Living of the St. Thomas Christians during the Period of the Synod of Diamper” Christain Orient 37, 2016, 17-33.
17. VECHOOR D., “Children: Gifts of God or Manufactured Products” (Malayalam), Kudumbjyothis, November 2016.
18. VECHOOR D., “Sacramentality of the Created World: Some Related Eco Theological Thoughts” in A Contemporary Commentary on Eco Theology, ed. S. Kanniyakonil & D. Vechoor (Malayalam), Vadavathoor, 2016, 301-312.
19. VECHOOR D. & PONNUMVARICKAYIL G., “Theology of Marriage in the East Syriac and St. Thomas Christians Traditions”, Christian Orient 38, 2017, 159-182.
20. VECHOOR D., “Breathing with Two Lungs in Moral Theologizing: Promises and Challenges” in Indian Moral Theology: Historical Studies and Future Prospects, ed. M. Illathuparampil, Bangalore, 2017, 102-128.
21. VECHOOR D., “Homosexuality: Some Positive Pastoral Perspectives” (Malayalam)in Homosexuality from a Catholic Understanding, ed. S. Kanniyaconil, Kottayam, 2018).
22. VECHOOR D., “Sacrament of Reconciliation: Miracle and Celebration of the Divine Mercy” (Malayalam), Kathiroli, September 2018, 50-55.
23. VECHOOR D., “Reflections on Humanae Vitae”, Deepika, 25 July 2018.
24. VECHOOR D., “Human Sexuality, A Gift of God” (Malayalam), Mathadarsanam, December 2018, 195-200.
25. VECHOOR D., “Homosexuality: A Catholic Moral Evaluation”, (Malayalam), Mathadarsanam, December 2018, 200-208.
26. VECHOOR D., “Dimensions of the Moral Living of the St. Thomas Christians, Reflected in Varthamanapusthakam” (Malayalam) in Varthamanapusthakam: Puthupadanagnal, ed. John Maliekal, Neeloor, 2018, 120-143.
27. VECHOOR D. & MENAPPATTUPADICKAL T, “Celebration of Christian Moral Life in the Syro Malabar Qurbana”, Christian Orient 41, 2019, 131-147.
28. VECHOOR D., “Varthamanapusthakam: A Historical Testimony of the Moral Life of the St. Thomas Christians”, Ephrem’s Theological Journal 23, 2019, 136-147.
29. VECHOOR D., “The Sacrament of Reconciliation: A Unique Way to Inner Freedom and Joy”, Jeeva Darshana 6, 2019, 1-28.
30. VECHOOR D., “Spirituality of the Liturgical Season of Annunciation-Nativity” (Malayalam), Poomottukal, November 2019, 5-8.
31. VECHOOR D., “New Trends in Catholic Moral Theology” (Malayalam), Mathavuam Chinthayum, March 2020, 15-25.
32. VECHOOR D., “The Spiritual Lessons of Covid, 19”, Life Day Online Journal & Dukhrana Online Journal, 20 March 2020.
33. VECHOOR D., “Laudato Si Week: Some Eco Theological Thoughts” Deepika, 15 May 2020.
34. VECHOOR D., “The Social Lessons of Covid, 19” in Viswasavum Jeevithavum Quarantinil, ed. A. Mekkattukunnel, Vadavathoor, 2020, 212-218.
35. VECHOOR D., “Sexuality, A Beautiful Gift of God”, Alphonsian souvenir, March 2020, 38-45.
36. VECHOOR D., “Moral Life of St. Thomas Christians Reflected in Varthamanpusthakam”, Thomas Christian Heritage, 13, 2020, 106-118.
37. VECHOOR D., “Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Eastern and East Syriac Traditions”, One chapter in the CBCI Text Book for Sin and Reconciliation (Forthcoming).
38. VECHOOR D., “Sacramental Character of the Created World: The Fathers of the Church and the Modern Theologians Converge” (Forthcoming).
39. VECHOOR D., “Koonammakkal Thommakathanar: A Passionate Lover of the Syriac Tradition (Forthcoming).
40. VECHOOR D., “Moral Life Celebrated in the Liturgical Seasons of the Syro Malabar Church” (Forthcoming)
41. VECHOOR D., “Moral Life Reflected in the Folklores and Folkdances of the St. Thomas Christians of India with Special Reference to the Margamkalipatt and Rampnanpatt” (Forthcoming).
42. VECHOOR D., “Second Vatican Council and Islam” (Forthcoming).
1. VECHOOR D., (Section Editor), Mar Thoma Margam: The Ecclesial Heritage of the St. Thomas Christians, Vadavathoor, 2012.
2. VECHOOR D., The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Learning from the East and the West, Vadavathoor, 2014.
3. VECHOOR D., (Co-Editor), The Pastoral Challenges of Marriage and Family: Responses from India, Vadavathoor, 2015.
4. VECHOOR D., (Co-Editor), A Contemporary Commentary on Eco Theology (Malayalam.), Vadavathoor, 2016.